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Cleaning and property maintenance

Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu

Cleaning and property maintenance

ISS Palvelut Oy's cleaners and maintenance technicians are responsible for cleaning and property maintenance in all office and shared facilities at Tiedepuisto. The goal is nothing less than top-class comfort and presentable facilities, both indoors and outdoors. ISS Palvelut Oy also handles property maintenance services, such as heating, air conditioning and issues related to building technology.

Public spaces and offices

Public spaces such as corridors, conference facilities and toilets are cleaned daily. Offices are cleaned twice a week with consideration to cleanliness levels and the need for cleaning. In order to ensure general comfort and facilitate the work of the cleaners, everyone should keep their workstations as tidy as possible. We recommend that you lift cables and wires off the floor. For example, cables and wires can be attached to the edge of desks by means of ducts or similar devices. The cleaners also need room to do their work.

Only level surfaces on tables, windowsills and counters that are free of clutter will be cleaned. Cleaners are not allowed to move any papers etc.

Yard areas  

The yard areas are sanded by 7 a.m. on weekdays. On holidays, sanding will take place by noon. Sanding is carried out within two hours of snow removal and when weather conditions cause slipperiness.

Snow is removed from door areas and passageways by 7 a.m. on weekdays and by noon on public holidays. Snow piles are removed from the yard areas when necessary.

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