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Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu


Tiedepuisto communicates with its customers through multiple channels, both in the newsletter and in social media. Join our newsletter list and follow us on social media so you don't miss anything important.


We send out e-mail newsletters to inform you of everything you need to know as a Tiedepuisto user. Make sure that we have your up-to-date e-mail address! We also inform you of current issues on the electronic information screens found at different locations around the Tiedepuisto. Remember that you can always ask our Lobby Services for advice!

Joining the newsletter mailing list

When your company moves to Tiedepuisto, we'll ask for your e-mail address and add you to the newsletter mailing list.

Being on the newsletter mailing list is important for safety reasons. We use our newsletters to inform you about exceptional conditions related to facility use, such as possible interruptions in water supply. The newsletter mailing list also provides you with information about events at Tiedepuisto and Louhelan Woima and other current issues related to Tiedepuisto that are important to you as a facility user.

We only use the newsletter mailing list for Tiedepuisto communication. This means we do not include any other topics, for example, related to the companies operating in Tiedepuisto.

Why don't I receive the newsletters?

First, check your e-mail trash. Your e-mail program may have directed our newsletter there.

If you can't find the newsletter in the e-mail trash, contact Tiedepuisto Lobby Services.

Tiedepuisto in social media

We have a Tiedepuisto group on Facebook. This is a free-form, closed group that serves as an information channel for all members of the Tiedepuisto community. In the group, you can, for example, recycle furniture, report events, etc. The choice is yours.

Business Joensuu also communicates publicly about current Tiedepuisto issues on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Follow the accounts! On Facebook, Tiedepuisto functions as a convenient event site that you can tag in your post. On Instagram, use the hashtag #visittiedepuisto.

Business Joensuu's online service and communications

Read more about the services and opportunities offered by Business Joensuu at You can also subscribe to the Business Joensuu newsletter at the same time. The newsletter is published approximately once a month and contains the most important news from the news feed.

For example, you can read interesting corporate stories and receive information about current events and useful services, by following Business Joensuu through the social media channels that best suit you: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.  

Subscribe to the newsletter

Stay up-to-date on Science Park events and news