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Louhelan Woima

Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu

Louhelan Woima

Louhelan Woima (LoW) is an association that organises a wide variety of leisure activities for people working at Tiedepuisto. A relaxed atmosphere is available for both sports and culture. LoW's compelling events offer members of the Tiedepuisto community refreshment, new contacts, regular activities and new experiences.

The aim of the association is to enhance fitness, exercise, coping at work and maintain working capacity, as well as to promote leisure time recreational activities in the Tiedepuisto community. 
Read more about Louhelan Woima on these pages and join in!

How LOW can you go!

LoW offers events throughout the year on a regular, weekly or one-off basis, thus providing excellent opportunities for networking with other Tiedepuisto people. LoW also makes it easy for companies to meet their workplace well-being (Tyky) obligations. For example, how does a snowshoe hike, champagne tasting, weekly adrenaline boost in football practice, or a theatre night in good company sound? Every person who works at the Tiedepuisto is welcome to join Louhelan Woima activities! Membership provides you with benefits and discounts at various sports facilities.

Become a member - here's how!

Join Louhelan Woima

All people working in Tiedepuisto facilities can join Louhelan Woima. LoW membership requires an annual membership fee, either as a company or as a private person. Joining is done by paying the membership fee. Welcome to join us!

New members

Those who wish to become a member will notify Louhelan Woima: Indicate in which company you work and whether you want to join as a private individual or whether you want to register the whole company as a member. Business members also report the company's number of employees (persons working at Tiedepuisto) and appoint a contact person for matters related to Louhelan Woima. In return mail, you will receive a membership fee invoice and IDs for our member service in myClub.

Existing members

The membership fee invoice is automatically sent to your email address, at the beginning of the year. The invoice for business members is sent to the person responsible or to the invoicing address provided by the company. The amount of the membership fee is based on the company's number of employees (persons working in Tiedepuisto). The updated membership fee table can be found on the Louhelan Woima website. The invoice is generated according to the number of people in the company's myClub. Therefore, before the turn of the year, it is a good idea to visit myClub to update the information of your staff (add new people and delete old ones). Changes to the invoice can be reported:

Membership cards

Louhelan Woima membership card is valid for one calendar year. You can get a membership card by logging in to myClub. You can either print the card or save it electronically in your phone. The membership card is personal and valid for one calendar year at a time. The membership card is requested to be presented when you book places or buy tickets for sports facilities or when you apply for access rights to the Tiedepuisto gym from Lobby Services.

MyClub to support your membership

MyClub is an integral part of Louhelan Woima's membership. With the help of myClub, LoW manages the membership register, membership cards and event registrations. As a member, you will get access to myClub, which allows you to easily maintain your own contact information, and you will automatically receive invoices and member bulletins on your membership page. From your membership page, you can also easily register for LoW's open events and print a membership card.

Membership fees 2024

Company employs 1 person

Company employs 2-4 people

Company employs 5-9 people

Company employs 10-20 people

Company employs 21-30 people

Company employs 31-60 people

Company employs 61-100 people

Company employs 101-180 people

Company employs over 180 people

The membership fee for a private individual is 20 euros / year. 0% VAT.

Membership card benefits

Membership benefits in sports facilities

You can get the following discounts on sports facilities:

Islo hierontapalvelut
Länsikatu 15, Joensuu
Contact information:
15% discount on ISLO student massages and trained massage services.

CrossFit Paja
Jukolankatu 18 C, Joensuu
Read more:

Discounts: CrossFit training On Ramp basic course  169 (normal   189). With the discount code LOUWOIMA directly from Paja online store when purchasing the course.

Membership offer after the basic course, or for people with previous experience in cross-fit,  81/month without commitment

Crossfit Koneistamo
Kuurnankatu 35, Joensuu

Discounts:12-month fixed-term membership at  75/month/person. For people with previous experience with CrossFit.

Membership entitles to a year of unlimited training on the instructed classes and in the self-service facilities of Koneistamo. Membership is valid for 12 months and then ends automatically.

Metropol, Rantakylä, Karhunmäki

  • memberships and one-time visits at reduced prices (from €39.90/month or €4.90/month!)
  • group exercises are suitable for membership prices
  • gym available 24/7
  • no joining fees
  • Free of charge for memberships of 6 months or longer pause opportunity
  • physiotherapy, massage, coaching, occupational well-being
    Neurosonic services under one roof

TFW Joensuu
Jukolankatu 18 B, 80160 Joensuu
Tel. +358 50 3450026

Discounts: Trial month  59/month. The trial month does not commit you to a longer membership.

Forever kuntoklubi
Kaislakatu 4 B, 80130 Joensuu
Tel. +358 50 3821785
Sport types: Group exercise classes and gym
Discount prices as follows:

  • 10-time card for group exercise + gym  49
  • 10-time card for gym  35
  • One-time ticket for group exercise  9/ticket
  • One-time ticket for gym  4/ticket
  • Indefinite (base period 12 months) or fixed-term (base period 24 months) customer relationship (-  10/month) and no annual membership fee (norm.  40/year)

EasyFit Joensuu
Rantakatu 26, 80100 Joensuu
Sport types: Group exercise classes and gym

Discounts: indefinitely valid customer relationship discount of  8 (no activation fee (normal  29.90))

Nurmeksentie 4, Joensuu
Tel. +358 44 792 2634
Sport types: Group exercise classes

Discounts: 15 discount/10-time card,
 10 discount/monthly card

Joensuun kuntokeidas
Linnunlahdentie 10, 80100 Joensuu 
Sports: bowling, tennis, squash, badminton, mini golf ( 2 discount/sport)
Time: According to the Kuntokeidas programme offer

Vesikko swimming hall and Rantakylä  swimming hall
Uimarintie 1, 80100 Joensuu 

Rantakylä  swimming hall 
Pataluodonkatu 2, 80160 Joensuu 
Sport: swimming or swimming + gym ( 2 discount/one-time ticket)

Outstanding fitness and energy for your everyday life - gym at your disposal

Here's how you get access to the gym when you are a member of Louhelan Woima

As a member of Tiedepuisto and Louhelan Woima, you can get access to the gym by paying the gym user fee and presenting the payment voucher and a valid Louhelan Woima membership card in the Tiedepuisto Lobby Services. You can obtain a membership card by logging in to Louhelan Woima myClub:

If necessary, check the validity of your membership with your company's designated person or

The user agrees to follow the instructions and rules in the gym. Lobby Services will add gym access rights to your access code and advise you on the best route to the gym. The gym is located on the basement floor, and you can use the gym every day from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The gym access can be purchased for either 6 months at a price of  90 or a year at a price of  180 (prices include VAT).

Note: Gym fees are not refunded under any circumstances.

Please also note that the right to use the gym ends when you no longer work in Tiedepuisto.

Note: Business Joensuu Ltd. and Louhelan Woima have not insured gym users, so every user must have their own accident insurance!

Payment of gym fees by credit transfer or card at Lobby Services

You can pay the gym user fee to the Business Joensuu Ltd. bank account:
IBAN: OP FI05 5770 0520 0133 57

Reference to voucher: gym fee
Alternatively, you can also pay the gym fee conveniently with a payment card in Lobby Services.

Paying gym fees with Epassi

The Tiedepuisto's gym fees can also be paid with Epassi. Epassi is a phone number-based payment method for the sport benefit, which covers thousands of service providers. The benefit can also be used, for example, to pay invoices for sports clubs and events. Read more:

  • When you have access to Epassi, you can pay the Tiedepuisto gym fee using the Epassi online payment.
  • Sign in with your own IDs on the page
  • Select online payments
  • Start by typing Joensuu Tiedepuisto in the menu, and when the system finds it, select the service provider and press "next"
  • Enter amount in euros
  • In the service description, enter what the payment concerns or the invoice reference
  • Press pay
  • Sign the banknote you have received by e-mail and bring it as a receipt for payment (for Lobby Services).

Paying gym fees with Smartum

At Lobby Services, we accept the following Smartum payment instruments:

  • Smartum Sports Voucher, value  4.
  • Smartum Sports and Culture Voucher, value  5.
  • SmartumPay. Electronic means of payment for sports and culture benefits

Pay the gym fee in Lobby Services, either in full or in part, using Smartum vouchers


Pay all or part of the payment in your own SmartumPay service and present a receipt (printout or smartphone screen) in Lobby Services for the fee paid.

Partial payment with Smartum

If you only partially pay with Smartum, pay the remainder in advance as a credit transfer to Business Joensuu Ltd's account: FI05 5770 0520 0133 57, message: own name/gym fee. Print a receipt for the payment and bring it to Lobby Services with your Smartum vouchers or Smartum Saldo payment receipt. Please make sure that the amounts match, we will not refund any additional payments.

Please note that you cannot pay gym fees with cash in Lobby Services. Smartum vouchers and Smartum Saldo are also not exchanged for cash nor is money given back for change.

Weekly events (Free for members)

Place: Utra School, 
Time: Fridays 7.30-8.30 p.m.

In winter:
Place and time: Wednesdays 12 noon - 1.30 p.m., at Joensuu Areena

In summer:
Ask the contact person for more information!

Outsiders welcome to the football at  40 per season.

For more information on football and floorball sessions: Pasi Fränti,  

History and birth of LoW

Louhelan Woima was established in 2001. The idea for this leisure time association took shape after a group of enthusiastic and active Tiedepuisto people participated in the Jukola orienteering relay. Soon after this, people noticed that the Tiedepuisto had a concrete need for establishing LoW.

Louhelan Woima is a good "excuse" for using sports and other leisure time activities to bring together Tiedepuisto actors from different sectors and backgrounds.

Half of the association's name comes from the Louhela School that once stood on the current Tiedepuisto site. The word "Woima" (strength) also has a story behind it. The name of this leisure time association reflects the influence of other sports club names. Woima was also a suitable continuation to Louhelan because the name could be conveniently abbreviated to LoW.

Contact us!

Contact information

Mailing and invoicing address:
Joensuu Tiedepuisto Ltd
Louhelan Woima
L nsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu, Finland

Bank account:
OP-Joensuu 577005-296048
IBAN: FI94 5770 0520 0960 48

Board of Directors
Hanne Huhmarsalo
+358 50 380 2382

Liisa Porento
+358 50 374 5641

Ari Korpelainen

Jaakko Nuuja

Susanna Karkulehto
+358 50 5686 786

Marko Huttunen
+358 40 358 7845

Tarja Lifl nder
+358 50 5376 534

Minna Kinnunen

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