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Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu


It's always a good idea to notify Tiedepuisto's Lobby Services about a move. We also ask you to make arrangements with Lobby Services concerning the moving route and any temporary access rights needed for it, at least two working days in advance. You can pick up the keys for your business premises at Lobby Services during office hours.  For more information, see section Keys and moving around in the property.  

Care must be taken when moving and, for example, the passageways protected to prevent damage to the floor, walls and door panels. Furniture and other items may not be moved by pushing or dragging them across the floor. Instead, you should carry the items or transport the objects using rubber-wheeled carts intended for that purpose.  
If we notice any damage caused by your move, we will conduct a joint review with you, during which we agree on repair measures and payment of repair costs. As a general rule, the party that causes the damage also pays for the resulting damage. We recommend using a professional removal service company.

Find out more about the location and size of the Tiedepuisto lifts in advance. 
Remember to also deal with the waste and recycled materials produced during your move! For more information, see the Recycling and Sorting section.

We recommend a professional removal service

The moving process is easy and effortless when you use a professional removal service. 
Before moving

  • Notify the Tiedepuisto Lobby Services about your move. 
  •  Let's plan the moving route together.  The moving route and temporary access rights must be agreed with the Lobby Services one week before the move.
  • You can pick up the mechanical keys for your business premises at Lobby Services during office hours. Read more: Keys and moving around in the property
  • Read more about the location and size of Tiedepuisto lifts: Lifts

Care in moving

Protect the passageways to prevent damage. Do not push or drag furniture or items across the floor surface. Always carry the items or use rubber-wheeled carts.

Handling damage

If we detect any damage caused by your move, we will hold a joint review with you. Here we agree on repair measures and their costs.

Moving inside Tiedepuisto

If you are moving from one building to another inside Tiedepuisto, the new routes will be programmed to your current access badge. In this case, you don't need to change the badge at Lobby Services.

Parking in yard areas during a move

Parking in the courtyards is prohibited. Parking is only permitted with an official Tiedepuisto service parking permit. If necessary, you can obtain a parking permit for service traffic and parking from Lobby Services. 

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