A well-planned facility meets your needs and allows efficient working - without compromising on comfort. Experts who are familiar with the Tiedepuisto facilities can provide you with assistance ranging from a needs assessment to facility planning and implementation.
Tiedepuisto facilities are implemented according to our customers' wishes. If necessary, the experts who are available to us will carry out the changes to the facilities on a turnkey basis, from tendering to implementation, to both small and large premises.
Our partners include:
- Rakennusliike Joen Talo Oy
- ISS Palvelut Oy
- Rakennusliike Kar.T.O Oy
- Interior Design Office Tuuma Ky
- Arkkitehdit OK Oy
- Martela Oyj
- Are Oyj
- Loihde Trust Oy
- Granlund Oy
- Securitas Technology Oy
- Guru Security Oy
- Eltamix Oy
- Joensuun Kukkatalo Oy