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Indoor air

Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu

Indoor air

Good indoor air is important to Tiedepuisto. That's why the Tiedepuisto facility and event services unit at Business Joensuu has set up an indoor air working group to plan and schedule possible investigation work and research measures. The group will also notify a representative of the company that reported the problem on the progress of the measures. The investigation work is coordinated by the indoor air working group.

Reporting a problem with indoor air

If you observe an indoor air problem at the workplace, such as an abnormal smell, stuffy air or personnel symptoms, notify your employer (supervisor) and/or the occupational safety and health representative. Do the same if you notice any signs of moisture damage on the surfaces or structures at the workplace.

The employer serves as the company representative, and they must notify the property manager for Tiedepuisto facilities and event services. We recommend submitting your notification by e-mail.

If employees experience symptoms at the workplace, the supervisor must also contact the company's own occupational health care to assess the needs for group-level occupational health care measures. Individual employees can also contact their occupational health care services provider, if they suspect that their symptoms are being caused by the indoor air at the workplace. Statements provided by occupational health care can be used to support the investigation.

After receiving a notification, the property manager and the indoor air working group will jointly initiate investigation measures to determine and solve the problem. The supervisor of the company that submitted the notification will be notified of progress in the matter.

Communicating about an indoor air problem

Communication must be consistent and open, in order to maintain trust and facilitate the resolution of a potential indoor air problem. The indoor air working group has primary responsibility for communication. The group will provide information on the measures and their progress to the company representative, who will then communicate with the company personnel about those measures.

Further information on indoor air matters

Please contact Business Joensuu's indoor air working group if you have any questions related to indoor air. The indoor air working group is chaired by:

Property Manager
Mikko Naakka
Tel. +358 50 321 6822 

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